Upcoming Events

Beginners Meditation

Beginners Meditation

The benefits of meditation have been known for thousands of years, an ancient practice that has in important place in our modern lifestyles. For some meditation feels as distant and separate as ancient monks, but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Join Dr Kat for this FREE workshop as she makes meditation approachable.

We’ll discuss

What is meditation & why you may already be doing it

Different types of meditation, the benefits of meditation and how to implement it into your life

Tips and tools for those who’s minds wont wind down

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Sound Sleep

Sound Sleep

Too many people aren’t getting good night sleep, and all too often dont know what they can do to help this.

Join Dr Kat, Dr Zach & Ally for this free workshop giving you tips and tools from a chiropractic and ayurvedic perspective to help you sleep soundly.

Topics covered will include

  • Creating a routine to support good sleep hygiene from an Ayurvedic perspective

  • Pillow and sleep position advice

  • Nutritional help

  • Tips for when your mind wont wind down

  • The role your nervous system plays in sleep and how chiropractic care helps

WHEN: Wednesday May 29th @ 6:30pm

WHERE: Essential Yoga Busselton, 42 Albert st Bussleton

While this is a free workshop registration is essential as we have limited places available. To reserve you place please use the online booking link below or call the clinic on 9707 4562.

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Powerful Posture

Powerful Posture

Join Dr Zach & Dr Kat to talk all things POSTURE!

Posture is SO much more than "stand up straight".

In this workshop, we'll explain how you develop your posture & bust the "bad posture" myths.

We'll chat about the benefits of working on your posture and give you practical tips and tools to achieve this - including a 10 min routine & short meditation that you can do daily to leave you feeling stronger, open and more confident in your best posture.

It's free to attend, but reserve your place today as spots are limited.

When: Tuesday 13th of June @ 6:30-7:30pm

Where: Essential Yoga Busselton (42 Albert st)

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FREE WORKSHOP: Feeling safe, feeling calm.

FREE WORKSHOP: Feeling safe, feeling calm.

In a society that praises hustle and achievement, rest will feel unsafe.

In a society where fear drives action, being calm will feel unsafe.

In a society that tells you struggling is the only way through, ease will feel unsafe.

“Just calm down” doesn’t always feel easy. For some calming down can feel really uncomfortable.

We know we logically want to rest, take things easy every now and then or embrace a feeling of peace but it just doesn’t stick.

Not being able to truly calm down may show up in your life as

  • Always feeling rushed

  • Never feeling like you have enough time

  • Feeling exhausted but not being able to sleep

  • Over-reacting to small situations

  • Feeling “on-edge” more often than not

  • Like you are about to burn out

  • the list could go on

If this sound like you then this workshop is here to teach your body - its safe to wind down and feel calm

What we will cover

  • Your nervous system: how it works and why that’s important

  • The different response we can have in any given situation and how to work with them

  • Asking the question - do I feel safe to feel calm?

  • PRACTICAL TIPS AND TOOLS to teach your body how it can learn to truly wind down, feel calm and begin to rest easy.

What to bring

  • An open mind

  • Something comfortable to sit or lay on (yoga matt, pillow etc)

  • A journal to take notes if that’s your thing

While this is free workshop please register your place by booking in using the link below so we know to expect you!


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