Ayurvedic Spring Reset

30th September - 14th October

14 Day Gentle Cleanse Program with Flexible Guided & Self-Guided Options

Bloom into Spring!

Can you feel Spring in the air? The weather is starting to warm up, flowers are blooming and change is imminent!

  • Are you ready for Spring or do you still feel a little stuck in a winter rut?

  • Are you feeling sluggish, heavy or unmotivated moving into spring? 

  • Perhaps your immunity is low, or you’re not digesting optimally. 

  • Maybe, you’re just not feeling your best and need something to kickstart a healthy diet and routine again.

If you resonate with any of these points and are keen for some motivation, we’ve got you! Our wonderful Ayurvedic Practitioner Ally is running a 14 day Ayurvedic Spring Reset.

This Ayurvedic Spring Reset program is perfect for those new to Ayurveda or cleanses. This program is designed to be flexible with various options to suit your needs, abilities, and schedule.

To boost motivation and accountability we’ll be doing this as a group during the first 2 weeks of October, however, if these dates don’t fit your schedule, you’ll be able able to embark on the reset whenever it suits.

Program overview

The reset is divided into three phases, a step-by-step journey which includes…

  • Meal plan with recipes & shopping lists

  • Daily routine options to lift your energy

  • Suggested supportive teas & optional herbs*

  • Recommendations for yoga and exercise.

Phase 1 (5 days): Preparation – Begin by eliminating inflammatory or aggravating foods and habits while boosting digestive support. Clean up your diet to prepare your body to reset & feel rejuvenated.

Phase 2 (1-2 days): Mono Diet – This is the core “cleanse” part of the reset. A very plain, simple diet of mainly kitchardi and soup, while continuing digestive support. Although the food is simple, you can eat as much of the recommended meals as you need to feel full. (This phase can be skipped if you are not up for it)

Phase 3 (7 days): Rebuild and Reintroduce – Gradually reintroducing certain foods back into your diet, continuing clean eating while adding nourishing and immunity-boosting foods & herbs.


A gentle, generalized plan suitable for most people*.

  • Guide yourself through the cleansing diet, daily routines & suggested teas.

  • This is a great option for those who are curious in doing a reset and know what their body needs without wanting anything too specific.

  • You will have options within the program to adjust to your capabilities

Please consult staff about contraindications for the reset


Work with Ally to tailor your reset to your exact needs.


  • 90-minute initial Ayurvedic consultation

  • 30-minute follow-up appointment to review your plan and address any questions

  • A personalized version of the reset tailored to your EXACT needs and capabilities

  • A custom herbal formula to support your cleanse or post-reset (if needed)

  • Email support from Ally throughout the reset


If you are an existing client of Ally’s (have had an initial consultation)


  • 45-minute Ayurvedic consultation

  • 30-minute follow-up appointment to discuss your plan and answer any questions

  • A personalised version of the reset tailored to your needs

  • A custom herbal formula for your cleanse or post-reset Email support from Ally throughout the reset

  • Email support from Ally during the reset

The reset can be completed in your own time if the dates don’t align for you. If you want to be part of the group, the dates are 30th Sep - 14th Oct.

Please note that the cut off date for the guided reset is the 23rd September IF you want to start on the 30th as part of the group. If you are happy to start it later you can book an appointment after the 23rd.

Clients undertaking the self-guided reset will be sent the program on the 27th September.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Who is it not for?

    Cleanses are not indicated for everyone, and there are restrictions on who is able to embark on both the self-guided and guided version. Check with your health care professional before embarking on any cleanse program. See the in next drop down specific contraindications.

    What if the dates don’t work for me but I still want to do it?

    As long as you do the reset in spring, whether guided or unguided, you can do it in your own time.

    What if I want to switch from self-guided to guided?

    If you originally signed up for the self guided option and decide you’d rather the guided, you are more than welcome to do so, as long as it isn’t too late notice for Ally. The cut off date for guided cleanse (that starts on the 30th Sep) is 23rd September. If you want an appointment after this date, your cleanse will just need to start a bit later as Ally needs time to write it up.

    What type of foods will we be eating

    Fresh vegetables and fruits, gluten free whole grains, bone and/or vegetable broths, yellow split mung dhal, green mung dhal, optional eggs and protein at certain times. On top of this will be recommended teas, spices and herbs. Plan can be altered to suit meateaters, vegetarians or vegans.

    What can I expect

    It is possible you will feel tired or lethargic during the reset, especially if you’re not used to cutting out sugar and stimulants. The mono diet phase can be boring and challenging if you’re not used to restrictive diets. Just do your best. It is ideal to do as little as possible during the reset to allow full body rejuvenation.

    What if I can’t do all of the suggestions?

    If any of the suggestions for diet, routine or anything else don’t work for you, that’s fine. If you’re doing the unguided version just skip them, if doing the guided, you’ll have a chance to talk to Ally about it and make a plan that suits you.

    What is triphala

    Triphala is made up of 3 Indian fruits and is an optional herbal addition to the reset that is taken at night. It promotes healthy bowel movements and assists gentle detoxification. If will not be suitable for everyone, you will be given more info on this in the program and can choose accordingly.

    Do I have to take time off work?

    You can still work during the reset however it is recommended not to do much on the 1-2 days of mono diet. A reset is intended for you to rest as much as possible.

    Can I do it with my family?

    If you are on the self-guided version and your partner wants to do it with you, that is totally fine as long as they are not contraindicated. It is not suitable for children/people under 18. Ally does ask that you do not sure the program with anyone outside of the people you live with at home. Most of the recipes make multiple amounts and mention how many serves they make, however you can increase them for more family members.


    If you have any allergies you are concerned about please chat to the reception staff.

    Do I need to change my exercise?

    You can continue your movement as usual as long as it feels supportive to you and your energy levels. It is normal to feel tired during the reset and you may want to decrease intensity and instead do more walking, swimming, yoga or Pilates. During the mono diet phase you should keep the exercise very gentle.

    Can I drink coffee or caffeine?

    Ideally, optimally - no, however if you simply cannot live without it, you can keep it. There are sections that go into caffeine intake in the program and how to make it better for yourself if you are having it.

    Can I drink Alcohol?

    Again, ideally no. If you need to spend the first week cutting right down instead of going cold-turkey, that is okay.

  • Cleanses are not indicated for everyone, and there are restrictions on who is able to embark on both the self-guided and guided version. Check with your health care professional before embarking on any cleanse program.

    • Pregnancy or Breastfeeding.

    • Severe Health Conditions (advanced diabetes, severe heart disease),

    • Cancer: Before, During, or After Chemotherapy (wait at least 60-90 days or until

    • fully recovered).

    • Before, during, or after surgery or major injury

    • Children and Adolescents (under 18 years old)

    • Severe Mental Health Conditions (major depression, severe anxiety) or during severe emotional stress (grieving, major life changes)

    • Autoimmune Conditions

    • Severe Nutritional Deficiencies, Eating Disorders, or Anaemia

    • Elderly Individuals

    • On Certain Medications (consult with a healthcare provider)

    • While Traveling or right Before Travel

    • During High Workloads or Big Life Changes (consider time off during and after the cleanse)

    • During Sickness, Directly After Severe Sickness, during active infections

    • While on Antibiotics

Ayurvedic Spring Reset Pack

Valued at $90, get discounted price of $70 There will be an optional Spring Reset Package that you can pre order. It will contain most of the recommended supplies. Ally makes the fresh organic ghee, spice mixes and CCF Tea herself so pre orders are essential.

  • Tongue scraper

  • Ghee

  • CCF Tea

  • Nettle Tea

  • Black sesame oil

  • Spice mix for cooking

  • Fresh curry leaves

  • (all organic)

The first 10 people to order the packet get a complementary dry body brush.

If you have any further questions, you can contact us at the clinic.

Consulting with Ally - Ayurvedic Practitioner

If you do have any of the above health concerns or something not mentioned and want to do the reset, or just want tailored guidance and support, it’s recommended that you book the guided version of the reset so that you can have an appointment with Ally.

She may not think the reset it right for you however will be able to give you an Ayurvedic Treatment plan that caters to your needs.

If you want to read a bit more on Ally, Click below for her website.

Have Questions? Call us at the clinic on 97074562 and we’ll be happy to help you. Ally is also happy to organize to have a quick free phone call with you to discus if the reset is right for you.